ISBN: 978-1-62327-480-1
Cruisin' is a Menage/Multiple Partner Erotica short story – F/F/M. This erotica short story contains explicit content, erotic situations, graphic language and is suitable for readers 18 and over.
Dave and Danielle bring Danielle’s friend Sam for a ride on his yacht one day. Sailing’s going swimmingly until the wind dies. Dave realizes that his motor’s out of gas too. So the girls suggest they find some way to pass the time until the wind picks back up. Dave’s surprised to learn just how open his girlfriend and her friend Sam can be. Dave enjoys sailing so he thinks nothing of it when his girlfriend Danielle invites her pal Samantha along for a lovely outing. He is a little flustered when the boat runs out of gas and he has forgotten to check the gas can. Not only that, there is not a breeze to be had. The girls make the most of it and don’t blame him one bit, even when he sheepishly admits that there is nothing they can do but wait for the wind to pick up. The lovely ladies decide that they can find the perfect way to pass the time. These girls have a lifelong history of friendship and sharing that they would love to let him in on. Fortunately, they are all very compatible and they have a delightful day on the water. Dave likes nothing better than spending a day at sea with his companions.